- ビジネス
- ミーティング、プレゼンなど、様々なビジネスシーンに対応したトレーニングを行います。レッスン予約時に3段階のレベル(Level 0/1/2)から難易度を選択できます。
チャプター レッスンタイトル Introduction 1. Introducing Yourself
2. Exchanging Business Cards
3. Introducing Your Company
4. Your Company's History
5. Introducing Your Business Career
6. Introducing Colleagues
7. Introducing Products/Services
8. Target Market
9. Your Company's Future Vision
10.CSR PolicyTelephoning 1. Making a Phone a Call
2. Receiving a Phone Call
3. Transferring a Call
4. Taking Messages
5. Leaving MessagesAppointments 1. Making an Appointment for the First Meeting
2. Scheduling the Next Appointment
3. Confirming an Appointment
4. Cancelling an Appointment
5. Rescheduling an Appointment - ディスカッション
- 厳選されたテーマをもとに、講師と自由に意見交換することができます。難易度はLevel 1,2となります。
チャプター レッスンタイトル 1 1. Loss of Jobs to AI
2. Increasing World Population
3. Growth of E-commerce
4. GDP in the Future
5. Flexible Work Times and Job Satisfaction
6. Social Advancement of Women
7. Health Effects of Working Overtime
8. Energy Resources
9. Renewable Energy
10. Online Advertisement
11. The Growth of Airbnb
12. Applications of AR
13. Growth of Video Streaming Services
14. Uses of Virtual Reality
15. Future Food Supplies
16. Changes in Music Distribution
17. Individualization in Business
18. Privatization of Space Exploration
19. The Rise of the Electric Car
20. Dress Codes in the Workplace - Eメール
- ビジネスで求められるEメールの書き方を学習することができます。難易度はLevel 1,2となります。
チャプター レッスンタイトル Introduction 1. Introducing Yourself (1)
2. Introducing Yourself (2)
3. Introducing a Newly Established Department
4. Introducing a New ProductMeeting 1. Invitation to a Meeting
2. Confirming a Meeting Day & Time
3. Confirming Attendance at a Meeting
4. Replying to Notify of Attendence
5. Replying to Notify of Absence
6. Postponing a Meeting
7. Cancelling a Meeting
8. Requesting a Schedule Change
9. Adjusting a ScheduleCommunication 1. Giving Notificaiton about Receiving an Email
2. Replying with a Schedule
3. Apologizing for a Late Reply
4. Requesting a Response
5. Notification of Review
6. Asking about a Missing/Unopenable Attachment
7. Asking about a URL that can’t be Opened
8. Notification of Contact Information Changes
9. Vacation Notification - デイリーライフ
- 海外生活で必要な英会話、スモールトークのスキルを向上します。難易度はLevel 1となります。
チャプター レッスンタイトル Jobs 1. Talking about Your Job (1)
2. Talking about Your Job (2)
3. Asking about Others’ Jobs
4. Talking about Future Goals
5. Asking about Others’ GoalsFood 1. Talking about Food (1)
2. Talking about Food (2)
3. Talking about Cooking
4. Going to a Dinner Party
5.Inviting Friends to DinnerShopping 1. Speaking to Shop Staff
2. Finding Items
3. Trying on Clothing
4. Checkout
5. Returning ItemsHealth and Fitness 1. Asking about Physical Activities
2. Talking about Diets
3. Joining a Gym/Sports Club
4. Talking about Physical Condition
5. Talking about Injuries - サバイバル
- 海外で生活するにあたり、最低限必要な英会話を学びます。難易度はLevel 0となります。
チャプター レッスンタイトル Airport 1. Check in
2. Airport Security
3. Customs and Immigration
4. Sending Baggage
5. Leaving the AirportTransportation 1. Taking a City Bus
2. Taking a Long Distance Bus
3. Taking a Taxi
4. Taking a Train
5. Purchasing TicketsDirections around town 1. Asking for Directions (1): Nearby Locations
2. Asking for Directions (2): Walking Distance Locations
3. Asking for Directions (3): Directions by Car
4. Asking for Directions (4): Directions by Bus/ Train
5. Giving DirectionsHotel 1. Check-In
2. Asking about Services
3. Making Requests
4. Reporting Problems
5. Check-Out - ベーシック
- 文法を切り口に、英語の基礎を網羅的に学びながら、ビジネスでも使える英会話を学びます。難易度はLevel 0,1となります。
チャプター レッスンタイトル Stage 1 1. am / is / are
2. am not / is not / are not
3. Am I / Is he / Are they . . . ?
4. Aren’t you / Isn’t he / Aren’t they . . . ?
5. I work / They work / He works . . .
6. I don’t / They don’t / It doesn’t . . .
7. Do you / Do they / Does she . . . ?
8. Don’t you / Don’t they / Doesn’t he . . . ?
9. I’m / We’re / He’s . . . - ing
10. I’m not / She isn’t / They aren’t . . . - ing
11. Are you / Are they / Is it . . . ing?
12. Aren't you / Isn't she / Aren't they . . . Ing?
13. was / were, wan't / weren't
14. Was he / Were they / Wasn't it . . . ?
15. worked / went . came, etc.
16. I didn't . . . / Did you . . . ? / Didn't he . . . ?
17. I was -ing / We weren't -ing / Was he -ing?
18. I'm / She's / we're . . . -ing (future)
19. I'm going to . . . / We're not going to . . . / Are you going to . . . ?
20. I will . . . / He won't . . . / Will they . . . ?